Highly Sensitive Person Mentor
Highly Sensitive
I am here to help
Your Messenger
It was Melanie, my then mentor, who casually stated after a few sessions, “I think you are a highly sensitive person (an HSP)”. I looked at her full of amazement and naivety, and answered, “Isn’t everyone?” “No, “she responded, “only 20% of the world’s population is, split equally among men and women.”
Over time, she guided me to excellent books written by Dr. Elaine Aron. Eventually, for the first time in my life, I felt a deep acceptance of who I really was.
My high sensitivity defines every aspect of my life from how I do my work , to where I do it. It seriously impacts every relationship of merit. Think of HSPs as “superheroes.”
Come join your tribe and journey home. Self-knowledge breeds power and confidence.
HSP traits
HSPs are a different breed. As a result of our unusual brain functioning, we have 4 outstanding traits:
1. Deep processing ability – What does that mean? Greater reflection or thought or deep feelings about issues, relationships and perhaps slow at decision-making and taking action.
Personally, don’t ask me to make a snap decision. I must weigh all pros and cons carefully first.
2. Over-arousal. Over-stimulation – HSPs are greatly impacted by noise, large numbers of people, lots of information coming at them. This can lead to anxiety and sleep issues, etc. For example, I quietly retreat after a wonderfully intense portrait session. I need to decompress and recharge.
HSP traits (cont.)
3. Emotional intensity. More emotional reactivity to every event in our lives. Emotional reactivity also means that we are more ‘knowing’ of what others are feeling and thinking. This gift of attunement can be good in certain situations. However, on the downside, we may find ourselves “over-reacting” to a situation.
4. Sensory intensity. HSPs are incredibly observant, and whether they know it or not, many are in sensory overload.
For example, there’s an “on-ness” (intense or excessive awareness) 24/7 with HSPs. Hence, the need to build in more quiet and distancing time.
Although many HSPs are introverts, about 30% of this group are sensation-seeking extroverts. So no easy typecasting here.
My Process
I am your guide in this work, helping you to own all of who you are.
I will teach you energy skills (as an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner). These tools will help stabilize and protect your physical, emotional and spiritual self.
You will be reminded how to better take care of yourself because of your extraordinary traits.
HSPs are often highly creative (hence why my Creativity Mentorship and HSP Mentorship clients often overlap).
I will offer guidance and tools to heighten, define and/or refine your creative life experience which, I believe, will embellish your life.
C ost
The charge is $100/hr. for an HSP mentoring session.
I happily give you our first exploratory session free. It comes wth a “no obligation” commitment up front on both sides. There must be a strong connection to proceed.
You need to find the right mentor. Take your time. Find someone with whom you feel safe, someone with a plan and vision, with knowledge and insights. Why? Because you are gifting them your dreams and your soul.
(View more about my Creativity Mentorship – link below.)
Please call or Skype/Facetime for your first interview. Or if email is preferred: info@portraitsofyourlife.com. Know I am here to help. I work in English and French. With my international clients, it is an easy connection. Welcome home my HSP friend.
call (819.459.2161) or drop me an email. I am here to help.
Our Services
C reativity mentor
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Powerful Portraits
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branding with heart
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