Helene Anne Fortin

• mentor •

How can I serve you best?

When looking for a mentor/coach/guide or branding right arm,
find someone with a plan and vision, with knowledge and insights.
Why? Because you are gifting them your dreams.

 Helene Anne

I am here to help

C reativity Mentor

Simply stated, creativity is the dream of the heart being translated into action.

The act of creating comes from within. It connects you more deeply to a richer, more satisfied life,

one with greater focus and meaning.

Eventually it gets mirrored out to the world through your vision, your talent, your skills,

your life experiences (and knowingly or unknowingly) your mission in life.

Is there something missing in your life? Do you have a dream/vision yet to be materialized? 

Are you ready for your next evolution/reinvention?

As your Creativity Coach, I guide you every step of the way, along your amazing journey home.

Using your existing tools and gathered skills,

we create a focussed plan for you to reach the full potential of your brilliant self.

This work encompasses body, mind and spirit.

The outcome therefore becomes more meaningful, effective and powerful…”Life changing” say my clients.

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Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) Mentor

One of the most important days of my life was when I discovered I was a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). 

This knowledge and my subsequent study of Elaine Aron’s work made me realize HSPs are

20% of the world. Simply put, we are a different breed.

Our brains function differently. 

We tend to be more creative and have higher sensitivity than most. 

That being said, we need more downtime, more processing time than others.

As your mentor, I guide you every step of the way, along your amazing journey home. 

Together we develop a plan for you to connect daily to your creativity and deepest self.

This is very personal work as it encompasses body, mind and spirit.

Ready to learn about the traits of HSPs? See link below.

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Branding With Heart

A powerful brand identity is more than just the logo and a couple of colours.

 It is the physical manifestation of who you are to the outer world.

 Your brand should reflect your values and aspirations and give you confidence.

 As your guide, I will ensure you create an elegant storyline that is authentically yours,

that sets you apart from others,

 that provides a platform for your unique voice, your vision, your personality and business.

Powerful branding is when all the elements come together to form a branding artwork

as unique as your thumbprint or signature.

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Our Services

C reativity mentor

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branding with heart

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highly sensitive person mentor

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“Wow! This 6 Steps to Creativity Guidebook is wonderfully written and organized. Such a large topic to present so succinctly. Your knowledge and wisdom shine through.

(In your mentoring programme) you offer a process, the “how”, which can be applied uniquely to each one’s own journey in such a kind, understanding way that chases those nasty gremlins of non-action away.

Once the way of thinking is in place, the possibilities are endless.” 

L . T .

Happy Customer

I have been working with Helene Anne regularly for 1.5 years. She is one of the most incredible women I know: smart, intuitive, caring and a character!

Her highly successful and effective brand of mentoring combines working with the body’s energies, the brain (creativity at its finest) and the heart (our soul home and most sacred centre).

When all of these channels are open and fluid (Helene Anne’s job that she does oh so well) we can move to a place of authenticity and strength, communicative spirit and reach many. 

Working with this small powerhouse of a lady is the best investment you could ever make. 

V . C .

Happy Customer

I must say, today was such a blessing. I still feel a calmness, with the excitement of our day but gently. I have been seeking a mentor for some time. Not really knowing how to or who I should seek out but as the universe does, it set me on a path leading to your zen-like studio in the Gatineau hills.

I just have the best time with you. So enlightening, so inspiring, so comforting and safe… like coming home. Not only do I feel a beautiful kinship with you, you have made my visions clearer and valid/worthy enough to bring to life.” 

B . D .

Happy Customer

my favourite quote

“C reativity is the art of your spirit being translated into action.”

Helene Anne Fortin