A team of passionate puppies / Scalliwags

Joy & Flynnie

C ontact us - we are here to help

Our motto:

What mischief

can we get into today?

Joy’s Story

My name is Joy. Quasi-blind but I have the best nose in the world. Mostly a nose for trouble. For 7 years, I have attempted to run this Studio (mostly blindfolded) and must admit I do a great job.

I insist on lots of attention. If you put your hand out, I will be there awaiting treats or a pat NOW. I like to steal Flynnie’s poof and his puppy cookies. Now if I could only see that cat. I’d catch it.

(Helene Anne’s note: Joy is often seen barking at something but looking in the wrong direction. It is never dull here with these two critters around.)

the Studio Essentials

Canine Mischief Centre Necessities:

4 dog poofs

2 woodstoves to curl up next to

1 cookie jar (not enough)

58 toys

3 orange squeaky balls

2 dog blankies, one blue, one red

1 bathtub (one too many)

Flynnie’s Story

They call me Flynnie. I am 11+ years old and am becoming a bit of a handful. My qualities are that I can steal food stealthily. I can open closed doors. I can sniff out trouble and my neighbour’s nasty cat in a heartbeat. But my heartbeat is getting slower and I sleep longer and I sometimes even miss the neighbour’s cat or the deer outside my window. But I still pride myself in keeping everyone, especially that pesky Joy, in line.

(Helene Anne’s note: It is very hard to watch a senior dog transition from powerful to vulnerable. Yet, our bond seems to get ever-stronger as he leans more heavily on me.)


and dinners are the most important times of the day.  And especially ball-playing (I love it when the ball goes into the river and I watch my mistress play retriever).

Dinners stolen


With love from our Studio in Wakefield, Quebec, C anada

Meet The Team